Join us at an upcoming gathering.

  • 56 Counties: Russell Rowland

    Saturday, October 19, 6pm

    In 2014-5, Russell Rowland traveled to every county in Montana and interviewed people, getting their take on the state where they live and what it means to them. He also read dozens of books about the history of the state, and eventually compiled a book, “Fifty-Six Counties: A Montana Journey”, that is a combination history/Social commentary/travelog about his experience. Since the book came out in 2016, Rowland has been hosting a radio show of the same name for Yellowstone Public Radio. In this presentation, Rowland will share his experiences traveling across the state, and getting to know people from all walks of life.

  • Reading Women Book Club

    Saturday, November 16, 4-6pm

    Join Rhema and Caroline for the inaugural gathering of Reading Women, a group that will meet to read and discuss female sexuality, identity, and place in our collective society. Everyone is welcome! This will be a fun, open, and safe space to explore topics that have historically not been given time or attention. We'll kick off to meet each other, enjoy some food and drink, and introduce our first book. The club will gather bimonthly.

Previous Events

  • September: Stalking Small Game with Tom Astle

  • August: Arts and Advocacy with Rick Bass

  • July: Métis Storyteller Chris La Tray

  • July: Restoration Fundraiser

  • June: Yardwork Potluck

  • May: Art & Poetry with Beth Korth

  • April: Collection Organization

  • March First Friday: Music with Two Odd Foxes

    March: Music with Two Odd Foxes

  • February: Poetry Share

  • January First Friday: Happy Hour

    January: Happy Hour